
wortal miłośników czerwonego ryżu.
[71] mogwai (saji),
17:52 <@mogwai> wogole to
17:52 <@mogwai> wypijcie porzadnie za to ze patentow nie wprowadzono
17:52 <@mogwai> ;p
17:52 <@t0th> nono
17:52 <@saji> :D
17:52 <@mogwai> tak sobie przypomnialem
17:53 -lilo(lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)- [Global Notice] Good afternoon, all. If you haven't heard, the European Parliament appears to have voted quite decisively on this issue: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4274811.stm . I believe there will be some celebration in the community. ;)
17:53 <@mogwai> lol!