
wortal miłośników czerwonego ryżu.
[177] matee, strim, itsuki (saji),

19:16 < streamer> lejm
Day changed to 04 Feb 2007
04:49 <@matee|spi> yup lejm
04:49 <@matee|spi> znow mialem wczesniej isc spac -_-
04:50 <@matee|spi> kurde -_- 4:50
Day changed to 05 Feb 2007
14:36 < streamer> ;D
Day changed to 06 Feb 2007
Day changed to 07 Feb 2007
16:40 <@matee|spi> :>
16:40 -!- matee|spi is now known as matee
16:40 -!- matee is now known as matee|bbl
Day changed to 08 Feb 2007
Day changed to 09 Feb 2007
Day changed to 10 Feb 2007
11:10 -!- zire[] [n=Thunder@cpc3-stkp3-0-0-cust338.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #redrice
11:10 -!- zire[] [n=Thunder@cpc3-stkp3-0-0-cust338.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #redrice []
Day changed to 11 Feb 2007
01:52 < itsuki|asleep> d:
13:18 <@matee|bbl> ;p
Day changed to 12 Feb 2007
22:04 < streamer> :P
23:49 <@matee|bbl> yup yup